Weissenborn Customer #2

Iseman Guitars,
I am 003. No…not a precursor to James Bond and MI6…but the serial number of my all solid Koa Weissenborn from Iseman Instruments. The third one! Pretty cool. I have had it now for about a month. Played most days…I am learning. I am a relative accomplished traditional 6 string player having started playing in the Beatles craze in about 1968. I grew up down the street from David Lindley in San Marino, CA and had with a very short (like 4 times) stint in my garage with Eddie and Alex Van Halen in ’69…but then on to a routine life of a 9 to 5’r. But I know quality when I lay my hands on it and now in my mid-life crisis I am all Koa and this slider is simply amazing. Sustain forever, clarity of voice, sweetness of tone. Some like cedar…some like spruce…but make mine Koa from these boys on the beach. You will not be disappointed.