Weissenborn CUstomer #9

Iseman Guitars,
Just got my Iseman Koa Weissenborn style one with built in Seymor Duncan Mag Mic SA-6 from Hawaii. What a beautiful and nice sounding instrument !Was looking for a good Koa Weissie for some time but didn’t wanted to spend much more than 2.000USD. Then I saw those Iseman instruments on Ebay and checked out some audio/video samples on YouTube. Still found it risky to order one blindly without checking it out by myselves but finally decided to go for one because probably I would never get a chance to play it over here beforehand. Decision was right !! Perfect craftmanship and sound. And the PU system delivers a very good sound as well. Overall very good communication with Iseman company.For those who are looking for a real good Koa Weissie Iseman is definitely a good choice…