Weissenborn Customer #18

Aloha Mark & Matthew,
I’ve had my new Style 1 Weissenborn for about 3 weeks now. It arrived in good order, and, as expected, is far more gorgeous in person than the production line photos were able to capture. It’s just good old fashioned fun to sit back and take in the different grain structures and variations in the tone and colour of the Koa. Although I’ve been pretty busy over the last few weeks since the instrument arrived, I’ve managed to find a little time to work with it on most days. “Opening Up” is a maturing process that will go on for a long time, but even over these few short weeks the guitar has begun to warm up considerably. I’m already hearing more volume and bass register response, better performance up the fretboard, and some nice shimmering overtones and harmonics beginning to reveal themselves as notes die away. This, of course, bodes well for the future. In my experience with any new quality built instrument, the next 6 months to a year should be pretty interesting as all of the little married parts become accustomed to living and working with each other. The Seymour Duncan SA-6 Magmic which I ordered with the guitar sounds awesome as well. That too will only get better as the instrument continues to open up acoustically. Having the pickup installed opens up a whole other world of effects and tonal versatility that will be a gas to explore. Many thanks to both of you for a well built and inspiring instrument that I will be able to grow old with. A tasty treat indeed. My compliments to the Chef!